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"It's Just What I Do"

In this digital recording scene about structure solid propensities, Problogger organizer Darren Rowse discusses the intensity of saying "It's exactly what I do" when he is building another propensity.

I walk 10,000 stages for every day. It's exactly what I do.

I eat 5 servings of vegetables consistently. It's exactly what I do.

One reason why this works so well is on the grounds that it transforms your propensity into a "character based propensity." You can advise yourself to rise early or go to the rec center or eat well more than once, yet on the off chance that you don't move your hidden personality, at that point it will be a lot harder to stay with these progressions long haul.

In the good 'ol days it won't be anything but difficult to express it to yourself, since it won't be valid yet. In any case, sooner or later, it will authentically be "exactly what you do." You'll begin to consider yourself to be an individual who does that thing - so it will turn out to be a piece of what your identity is. This implies you won't need to bring as much determination to complete it, it will get normal.

You'll begin considering yourself the kind of individual who has just accomplished self-restraint in the propensity you need.

"I'm the sort of individual who awakens at 6am and composes for an hour before breakfast."

"I'm the sort of individual who plans out my undertakings and doesn't delay."

"I'm the kind of individual who consistently has a nutritious breakfast."

"I'm the kind of individual who goes directly to the exercise center after work each day."

Each time you decide to do the activity that coordinates this character, you are strengthening it. Each activity is a vote thrown for the sort of individual you are turning out to be. (On the other side, each time you decide to play out a negative propensity it's a decision in favor of the contrary character.)


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